Present: Kaladhar ji, Kameshwar ji, Krishna Chandra Pandeya ji, Manohar Thakur ji, Arun Jha ji, Om Prakash Choudhary, Rakesh Ravi, Vivekanand, Deepak, Anuj and Sanjay (Oxford)
Apologies: Gyaneswari ji, Parmanand ji, Virendra ji, Sushil ji, Anil Singh ji, Anil Jha ji, Pradeep ji, Jai Prakash ji, Vibhash, Atul, Sanjay (Ramakrishna Ashram), Ghanshyam, and Sami Haider
Following items were discussed and agreed:
Sanjay Ojha and his family here and in India are now out of danger from the COVID 19 illness. Sanjay is back in UK and in India, his mother/brother both are discharged from hospital.
Sanjay (Oxford) confirmed that the needs of family of Late Santosh 1986-90 Takshshila Ashram had been met for now, however it was agreed that we should build up an emergency pot for needs like this. We sometime lose the opportunity to provide the help on time. Anuj led this venture by donating 200 pounds as we spoke.
Rakesh Ravi will look into saving these emergency funds into a separate earmarked account if possible.
All present agreed to pay GBP 200 into this emergency account with a reference NOBACHARITY
NOBA UK officers were authorised to make emergency decisions in relevant situations and discuss those in the next general body meeting for their ratification.
Rakesh Ravi shared NOBA UK account details confirming that we now have approx GBP 5300/- in our NOBA UK account.
Manohar shared his thoughts as also Vibhash's thinking about laying down rules for smooth administration of charity funds. It is desirable for everyone to think and express their views on these proposals so that we can formulate our protocols soon.
We were keen to meet up face to face within the next few months, provided Covid lockdown is lifted as planned on 21st June. London group - Anuj, Vivekanand, Sami, Rakesh Ravi and Deepak agreed to take the initiative in this regard.
We decided to have our next conference call on Sun, 4th July 2021 at 1900 hours.
All in all, this was a well-attended and a very fruitful meeting, thanks to all.