Present: Parmanand ji, Kaladhar ji, Ashaji-Navin ji, Anil Jha ji, Krishna Chandra Pandeya ji, Kameshwar ji, Manohar Thakur ji, Arun Jha ji, Jai Prakash ji, Om Prakash Choudhary, Vibhash, Ghanshyam, Rakesh Ravi, Sami Haider and Sanjay
Apologies: Gyaneswari ji, Virendra ji, Sushil ji, Anil Singh ji, Pradeep ji, Atul, Sanjay, Vivekanand, Anuj, Deepak
Topics for discussion:
Well-being for all NOBA UK members: All NOBA UK members are doing well.
Gratitude was expressed to all frontline workers (health, care and all other essential services)
Current pandemic in UK and in India; measures by UK Government and Government of India: We discussed ongoing COVID 19 pandemic and shared our personal observations and reactions to this unprecedented situation
Transfer of funds from NOBA UK members towards Initiatives of NOBA Patna: NOBA have initiated an effort to help the poor victims of Coronavirus.
It was confirmed that NOBA Patna have received Rs.1 Lakh from NOBA UK towards NOBA Arpan initiative to help the poor victims of Coronavirus.
Progress made by NOBA Arpan were discussed for which members expressed their satisfactions.
Members are requested to come up with various ideas to expand our charitable activities even further. Few suggestions were discussed:
Our funds must reach the end user in full.
Our funds are still being built and therefore we should focus on reliable and small charities through which a direct impact can be made quickly
Once our collection fund reaches a minimum of £10,000, we can think of contacting large foundations like Bill and Melinda Gates for donations towards our aims
Establish NOBA UK Scholarship towards education of one candidate from a poor financial background. The chosen candidate will continue benefitting from such scholarships for 5 years provided he/she continues meeting the criteria every year. After 5 years, the next candidate will be chosen.
Donate a NOBA UK running shield along with a winner’s cup in one chosen field every year, to be decided in discussions with Principal, Netarhat School.
Organise musical events in UK, proceeds from which can go towards our charity works.
Main thrust of our charity should be in India but we will keep our eyes open for any deserving causes here in UK
A legal advice should be sought to ensure our fund-raising activities fall under the constitution of NOBA UK.
Members agreed to meet again on Sat, 23rd May via video conference. All NOBA UK members are requested to attend, if they are not busy with their essential services to the nation.
We are very pleased with our progress and we keenly look forward to being of more service in coming days.