Present: Navin ji - Asha ji, Kaladhar ji, Kameshwar ji, Krishna Chandra Pandeya ji, Manohar Thakur ji, Om Prakash Choudhary, Rakesh Ravi, Vivekanand and Sanjay (Oxford)
Apologies: Gyaneswari ji, Parmanand ji, Virendra ji, Sushil ji, Anil Singh ji, Anil Jha ji, Arun Jha ji, Pradeep ji, Jai Prakash ji, Vibhash, Atul, Sanjay (Ramakrishna Ashram), Ghanshyam, Anuj, Sami Haider and Deepak
Discussion Points:
Everyone is doing well in NOBA UK
Sami could not attend as he was busy with his COVID19 emergency social services.
Vivekanand explained why he had been missing recent meetings on this platform - he was busy with a very important bidding for an LNG contract in MOZAMBIQUE. We had an illuminating chat on this.
OP joined late but his presence helped push our chosen agenda of exploring better options at charity. He cautioned us in no uncertain terms that while setting up a NOBA UK CHARITY may not be very difficult but maintenance ongoing will be an onerous task.
Rakesh will liaise with Sami over the following weeks on whether Sami can use his good offices and contacts with solicitors and accountants to find out the nitty gritty about this.
Kaladhar ji kindly offered to help with his contacts, in case it is needed in setting up the charity organisation
We decided to meet again on the same platform online at 6 pm on Sunday 3 January in the new year, 2021
We would be delighted if all members would kindly put this date and time in their diaries so that we could wish each other a Happy and better New Year together on this online platform!