Present: Navin ji - Asha ji, Krishna Chandra Pandeya ji, Kameshwar ji, Manohar Thakur ji, Arun Jha ji, Sami Haider
Apologies: Gyaneswari ji, Parmanand ji, Virendra ji, Sushil ji, Anil Singh ji, Kaladhar ji, Anil Jha ji, Pradeep ji, Jai Prakash ji, Om Prakash Choudhary, Vibhash, Atul, Sanjay (Ramakrishna Ashram), Ghanshyam, Vivekanand, , Rakesh Ravi, Anuj and Deepak and Sanjay (Oxford)
Topics for discussion:
Well-being for all NOBA UK members: All NOBA UK members are doing well.
Gratitude was expressed to all frontline workers (health, care and all other essential services)
Current pandemic in UK and in India
Ways of supporting our NOBA UK members
Sami informed he has thought of three models of organising support for our own NOBA UK members in case of need. He will post his thoughts on NOBA UK Whatsapp group for members to go through and think about them before discussing at our next meeting/s.
Sami has reminded and will continue reminding other London group members to try and join these meetings whenever possible.
KC Pandeyaji agreed to call and follow up on Rajeev who has not been in touch with the group for about three years now.
All attendees enjoyed interesting exchanges on various experiences and current affairs.
Members agreed to meet again on Sat, 4th July via video conference. All NOBA UK members are requested to attend, if they are not busy with their essential services to the nation.