Present: Kaladhar ji, Asha di/Navin ji, Krishna Chandra ji, Kameshwar ji, Manohar ji, OP, Sami, Sanjay
Apologies: Gyaneswari ji, Parmanand ji, Virendra ji, Sushil ji, Anil Singh ji, Anil jha ji, Arun ji, Pradeep ji, Jai Prakash ji, Vibhash, Atul, Sanjay, Ghanshyam, Vivekanand, Anuj, Deepak, Rakesh
Topics for discussion:
Well-being for all NOBA UK members
Gratitude was expressed to all frontline workers (health, care and all other essential services)
Current pandemic in UK and in India; measures by UK Government and Government of India
Initiatives by NOBA India: NOBA have initiated an effort to help the poor victims of Coronavirus.
Remind NOBA UK members to set up a direct debit of GBP 10.00 to build our regular fund. This decision was taken during our last annual meet, 2019. OP to send a notification.
Speak with Rameshwar Singh ji for NOBA Arpan, specially about how fund is being utilised to serve poor section of people, currently being affected by Coronavirus. Manohar ji to speak with Rameshwar ji.
It is decided to donate Rs. 1 lakh to NOBA Arpan
NOBA UK members will be requested to make an ad-hoc payment of GBP 50.00 to NOBA UK account for the donation to NOBA Arpan. If the collection does not make up to Rs. 1 Lakh, the balance should be made up by NOBA UK account. OP to send a notification.
NOBA UK members are requested to attend our fortnightly calls, if they are not busy with their essential services to the nation. Sami to speak with/email to all.